The PC Builder's description
The PC Builder is ourlatest service, which was made considering the client’s needs to make it simple, and to build new, and complete configurations. The new service takes care of the dependencies, filtering out most of the compatibility problems. Below we will describe the procedure, which is only a few steps. You can select the parts that you deem necessary, or you can pick a pre-built computer. If you have any questions or you are not sure about your choices, please visit our forums, we will try to respond to most of your questions.
1. Configuration selection
Clicking the „PC Builder” button, you can view the current prebuilt configurations. In the next steps they can be modified, as necessary. Pick the one closer to your expectations. There is a small description next to all of them. The basic questions are answered here, like „what do I want to use it for?” (office, gaming, etc.), „AMD or Intel based systems?” and, what is the budget limit. If you found the one you need, simply click on it. (You can use the „detailed description” or „Configure” buttons too).
2. The basic components
Clicking a configuration will bring you to the components page.You can modify the basic parameters here. Can be modiedeach component one by one, or can be allchanged. If there are compatibility issues, the system will point it out on the top of the page, and will suggest a solution. You cannot proceed forward without a viable configuration. These errors can be incompatible PC cases without a PSU, or when you pick a motherboard without an integrated video card and the previous motherboard had one. In this case for example you need to pick a standalone video card. A quick description of the basic components can be found below:
• Motherboard: This part is the PC's core. This is the one part that accepts and controls most of the unit. Depending what kind of basic configuration you choose, the system will offer Intel or AMD compatible ones to limit the configuration issues.
• CPU: The soul of the computer, (Central Processing Unit). The speed of this part is the main indicator of the performance of the PC. In case of office use, there is no need for a fast one. For games, you may need the best.
• Memory: the core temporary storage, the part which the CPU works with. It's size is an indicator of, how many times the PC has to use the hard drive if it needs resources. More memory means less performance impacting spikes. For a office PC it might be enough 4GB, but for games you may need far more (optimally 16). The multiplier next to it specifies the amount of modules. 4GB or more is neccesaryif you use a 64bit operating system.
• Video card: The graphical controller. It is responsible for video output. (for games, it's speed is very important). On the more cost effective configurations you can pick „not needed” too, some already are containedon the motherboard.
• Hard drive: The storage unit where all our permanent data resides. (The operating system, games, photos, etc.) The multiplier specifies te unit count that will beinstalled. More is needed if the starter configuration has less then necessary.
• Optical unit: Here are all of the optical reader and writerunits from our offer. In extreme cases, you can select even from brand new technologies. You can install Blue-ray or HD-DVD reader/writer if you wish.
• Keyboard+Mouse: The basic input devices. This category always comes with both mouse and keyboard. There are a lot of combo's in our offer, but you can pick individual ones too.
• Keyboard: If you do not prefer combo's, you can pick one from thislist.
• Mouse: You can pick Laser, or Optical mouses here. In average, on everyday office use, there is no big difference between them. Perhaps confort.
• Case: The case to put the components in. You can pick it's size, look, or other characteristics (good cooling, space for very long VGA cards or tall coolers). For these you might want to visit the forum or other resources from the web for the best choice.
• PSU (Power Source): The power source is responsible for the distribution and supply of electrical power to different components in the PC. A good quality PSU can save the computer in critical situations and has a better performance factor then the cheaper ones. Usually in a office computer, with integrated video card, a 300-350W PSU is sufficient. For a powerful not integrated video card, a 550-700W PSU a nd 80+ efficiency is strongly recommended.
• Software: On the first page it means the operating system. If it is needed, it can be selected which one is needed, here.
In the case of the configurations built in the PC Builder, the assembly fee is discounted, half or the normal price. To make use of it, there is a check box on the page „I would like assembly and testing, with discount for 6 EUR” . In case there is a oprating system selected too, it will be installed and updated from the Internet.
At the bottom of the page, the configuration's price will be updated every time there is a changed componentto be able to review the price on the fly.
In case there is a need to reset the configuration, it can be done with the “Reset” button. Otherwise there is the possibility to advance to the “Other accessories” page.
3. Additional components
A soon as we finished with the configuration, you can pick additional components. These are not mandatory, so if you do not need any, you can skip it with the „Next” button. If you have second thoughts about the configuration, you can go back any time with the „Back to components” button. You should take a minute or two here. You can find useful components (if you didnot have a PC before, you can pick a Monitor here).
• Monitor: The display of the PC. The important feature is it's size, resolution, latency and contrast ratio.For other information you can see the item's page.
• UPS: The uninterrupted Power Source ensures the normal operation of the PC andsome peripherals for a small time after a power loss, and nowadays most of them can protect it from Power fluctuations too.
• TV tuner: The most important part if you want to see TV on a computer. This will convert the analogue/digital TV signal into the standard viewable format.
• Printer: The name speaks for itself, it transfers onto paper our documents, photos, etc. The most common are the Ink Jet and Laser ones. The first for Photo's, the latter monochrome ones are recommended for common documents.
• Multifunctional: These are printers that are endowed with multiple functions. Apart from printing, these can scan, fax, and copy documents and read memory cards or even be connected to a local WiFi Network.
• Card reader: Nowadays there are a huge range of memory cards in different entertainment devices (cameras, mp3 players, video cameras, phones etc.). If you would like to read these cards on the computer, you will need a specific card reader. You can pick onethat can read most of the major ones.
• Sound card: These cards are responsible for generating and processingsound. All modern motherboards are equipped with one, but if you are not satisfied with the quality of them, you can get here a better one.
• Joystick: the basic game controller. Predominantly the plane and space simulator fans are using them.
Of course, on the bottom of the page, you will find the actual cost of the configuration. This will react to every modification of the configuration. if you finished here, you can click on the „Next” button, to go to the summary page.
4. The summary of the configuration
On this page, you can see a price summary of the configuration, with every parts showing. You can go back to the previous pages with the ”Back to the components” and ”Back to configuration” buttons.
If you find everything in order, with the „Into the cart” button, you can save it for order. (It is going to be shown on the right side). You can continue shopping if you wish, alternatively, You can select ”Order” from the cart if you want to finalize the order. If you want to modify something, you can do it withthe ”Modify” button in the cart. You will be sent back to the configuration page.
If you would like more help, please refer to our Forum!