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Frequently Asked Questions

1. The Order:

1.1 How can I order?

1.2 How does the WebShop work?

1.3 How can I modify the ordered amount?

1.4 How can I collect the order?

1.5 How will I know that the order is successful?

1.6 If I order something, when will I receive it?

1.7 So many products, still, I can receive them tomorrow?

1.8 How to pay?

1.9 How can I identify my order?

2. Home delivery:

2.1 How much it costs?

2.2 When will I receive my order?

2.3 What is the Warranty Transport?

2.4 How can I use the Warranty Transport?

2.5 What information is needed to use the Warranty Transport?

2.6 How do I give the faulty product to the courier?

2.7 How much the Warranty transport costs?

3. pre-order

3.1 What is a pre-order?

3.2 When will I receive it?

3.3 How much it costs?

3.4 Is there a advance necessary?

3.5 Why will I have more then one order numbers?

3.6 I will order multiple items. When will I receive them?

4. Gift certificate

4.1 What is a Gift Certificate?

4.2 Where can I buy it?

4.3 How do I pay for it?

4.4 When will I receive it?

4.5 Will I receive it physically?

4.6 I paid for it. Where is the code?

4.7 I purchased multiple items, I received only one mail, why?

4.8 How can I use it?

4.9 What can I use it for?

5. iPoint

5.1 What is an iPoint?

5.2 How can I collect iPoint's?

5.3 How many iPoint's can I obtain with one purchase?

5.4 Where can I find, how many iPoint a product has?

5.5 What is it good for?

5.6 Give me an example, what is it good for?

5.7 Do I need to use it?

5.8 What can I purchase with it?

5.9 Where can I see them?

5.10 What does mean inactive iPoint?

The order:

1.1 How can I order?

- the easiest way is to do it in our WebShop, which requires only a fast registration, apart from this we receive orders through e-mail and phone too. For an order, we require a phone number in all cases.

1.2 How does the WebShop work?

- Steps:

a.) Select the desired product in the WebShop, after which, with the "Cart" button, can be added to the cart. Above in the header, the cart will be populated with the chosen products. The cart will display the product, quantity and price.

b.) In case everything is put in the cart, you should press the "Order" button.

c.) The Cart / Purchase page will open. At the Cart verification, you can modify the product amounts and the total cost will be displayed too. You can select the pick up and the payment method here. If everything is in order, with the "Buy" button the order can be sent. there will be an automated notification afterwards.

1.3 How can I modify the ordered amount?

- The amount can be modified in the Cart and on the Cart/Purchase page.

1.4 How can I collect the order?

- Before finalizing the order, there is a possibility to select the delivery method: in person in the shop, Pick Pack Point or home delivery.

1.5 How will I know that the order is successful?

- After each successful order, the customer will receive a notification via the registered e-mail. The e-mail, depending on the server's load, usually is sent instantly, but in all cases, in maximum a half an hour.

1.6 If I order something, when will I receive it?

- On every page it is specified the expected delivery time, usually, most of the products can be collected on the second day , but this is specified in every product's case. Home delivery and Pick Pack Point delivery is expected on the second day.

1.7 So many products, still, I can receive them tomorrow?

- Yes, we have an efficient logistics solution.

1.8 How to pay?

- In case of personal collection, with cash, credit card and Barion mobile pay. If home delivery, the payment can be done by the courier. In case of home delivery the only way to pay by electronic means is paying beforehand, when the order is launched.

1.9 How can I identify my order?

- Through the disclosed order number, but can be done by name, phone number, e-mail and in some cases by the ordered products.

Home delivery:

2.1 How much it costs?

- At the moment it costs 7 EUR not depending on weight or distance, this sum contains the Warranty Transport fee too.

2.2 When will I receive my order?

- After we give the order to the courier, it will be delivered in one day. About the delivery time, there eill be a notification by e-mail.

2.3 What is the Warranty Transport?

- The Warranty Transport is a iPon Computer Kft own service. This service will transport for free any faulty items that are bought via home delivery or collected at a Pick Pack Point. After the warranty process the product will be delivered back to the owned free of charge if the item is in the confines of the warranty rules.

2.4 How can I use the Warranty Transport?

- The Warranty service can be obtained only by filling in the form on out web page.

2.5 What information is needed to use the Warranty Transport?

- The following information must be supplied: product, product fault, name, address, phone number and date period of the pick-up. The courier will collect the product afterwards.

2.6 How do I give the faulty product to the courier?

- Please make sure the product is well packaged, and place a note in it with the fault and attach the invoice and warranty paper copy.

2.7 How much the Warranty Transport costs?

- In case of real warranty fault, it is for free. If the item is deemed not faulty, there will be a gross of 7 EUR fee. Please make sure of the fault and only ask for the transport if it is indeed needed.


3.1 What is a pre-order?

- In case of highly anticipated games, there is a possibility for pre-order, this means that before the official release, the game can be reserved and it is guaranteed that it can be received at the release date.

3.2 When will I receive it?

- In case of personal pick-up on the date of the release (working day only), from 10 Am, the items can be collected from our store. In case of home delivery and Pick Pack Point pick-up, the items will be given to the courier one day earlier so the product will reach the customer on the release date.

3.3 How much it costs?

- The pre-order is free of charge, only at delivery fee of 7EURhas to be payed.

3.4 Is there a advance necessary?

- No.

3.5 Why will I have more then one order numbers?

- Every order that has a different date, will be handled separately. For example if the customer orders two games, that has different release dates, will be considered as two different orders, and can be collected on two different dates.

3.6 I will order multiple items. When will I receive them?

- Apart from pre-ordered items, they can be collected the next day. pre-ordered items can be received only at the disclosed date.

Gift certificate

4.1 What is a Gift Certificate?

- The Gift certificate is a neat possibility, that can be gifted to anyone, so they can pick whatever they like from our web shop.

4.2 Where can I buy it?

- Under the Gift Certificate button, like a common product. It has to be put into the Cart, in the required amount and ordered as usual.

4.3 How do I pay for it?

- If the customer buys only Certificates, he can do it only in person in our shop, at 1143 Budapest, Francia street 40/b . In case that it was ordered via home delivery the payment can be done via the courier or at a Pick Pack Point.

4.4 When will I receive it?

- The gift certificate is activated in 24 hours after the payment was confirmed, the customer will receive an e-mail notification. Please handle carefully and do not disclose the code of the the certificate that will be sent via e-mail!

4.5 Will I receive it physically?

- No, the certificate is sent only by e-mail.

4.6 I paid for it. Where is the code?

- The notification e-mail will contain the Certificate type, expiration, and code.

4.7 I purchased multiple items, I received only one mail, why?

- In case of multiple certificate purchase, for each, there will be sent an e-meal. For example, for 3 pcs of 15 EUR value, the customer will receive 3 different e-mails with 3 different codes.

4.8 How can I use it?

- After all the products were put in the Cart, after pressing the "Order" button, on the Cart / Purchase page can be claimed, below, by inserting the code. After this the value will be shown in the summary.

4.9 What can I use it for?

- the gift certificate can be used in all iPon WebShop categories, hardware, software, books, games, consoles and all other products can be purchased with them. The codes can be used for services too, like computer assembly, home delivery.


5.1 What is an iPoint?

- The iPoint is the iPon Computer!s point gartering system, with witch we will reward your loyalty.

5.2 How can I collect iPoint's?

- For all the products that are not discounted, we add iPoint's to the Customer's account upon purchase. If the customer makes use of a 0,5% discount and uses it's iPoint's. The iPoint 's wont be added any more.

5.3 How many iPoint's can I obtain with one purchase?

- Depending on products and brands, different amount of iPoint's can be collected. These continuously change. In case of different discounts there can be more or less iPoint on a product. The iPoint's depend on the product's gross value too.

5.4 Where can I find, how many iPoint a product has?

- On the product list page, on the product page, on the order summary page, and in the notification e-mail.

5.5 What is it good for?

- The iPoint's can be used for different discount. A basic case would be a 100 EUR discount for 1 EUR, which will be subtracted from the invoice's total. iPoint's can be used only from a minimum of 1000 points.

5.6 Give me an example, what is it good for?

- For example, there is a 5323 iPoint gain by purchasing a notebook. On the next purchase the customer can use 5000 iPoint for a 1,55EUR discount.

5.7 Do I need to use it?

- No, this is only a possibility. The iPoint's can be collected, and used. The life time of the iPoint's is of 1 year.

5.8 What can I purchase with it?

- They can be used for all services and products in our WebShop.

5.9 Where can I see them?

- After registration they can be reached from the user profile.

5.10 What does mean inactive iPoint?

- Until the payment of the invoice is not complete, the iPoint's are locked, this is why they are marked inactive.

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