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Order cancellation
Are you not satisfied by your choice?

You have the right to cancel without consequences, and we will change the product with another chosen by you, or we will pay back the value of it in maximum 14 days!

iPon Computer guarantees the refund of the value of the products purchased in the maximum 14 days, in case that the intention was written and sent in 14 days fromreceiving de package.

The person that qualifies as a consumer, in 14 calendaristic dayscan cancel the contract without specifying a motive. The Hungarian Government Regulationno. 45/2014. (II. 26.) describes the way the Consumer and provider should proceed between parts from long distances. The Client can ask for cancellation from the day of receiving the package. His intention can be communicated ba the Client to the Provider by written means, through the specifiede-mail address of the Provider.

Contact information

in case of use of the right of cancellation, or return of the product, the Client is responsabile for the fees of transport. The product on question cannot be sent back to the provider by Pay on Delivery, The Provider will not accept this method. 

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In case of cancellation, iPon Computer Kft. can ask for payment for damages causedby incorrect use of the product, scratches or other damages. Besides this, the Client is void of any other payments regarding the cancellation. 

The client cannot cancel in case of the products:

• made after the consumer-s specification, or clearly personalized;

• which are susceptible to decay or fast deterioration;

• the items sealed for health issues or hygiene that were opened by the consumer.

• which are, after delivery, and bynature inseparably mixed with other elements;

• providing of sealed recorded audio or video software which were unsealed;

• providing of digital content which are not provided on physical media, if the service started with the specific consent of the Consumer, and after completion the Consumerconsented that he last his right of cancellation;

• in other cases specified by the law.

All the information from these points apply only to the Consumer (consumers)which made a contract in other scope then economical or professional activities, in other words the cancellation applies only to individuals (natural person).

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