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Görög Ibolya - Protokoll az életem

The author of the book, Ibolya Greek, worked from 1987 to 1999 in the Protocol Department of the Prime Minister's Office. From 1992, as head of protocol, he directed and organized official government...
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    Product description

    Book subcategory
    Görög Ibolya
    Athenaeum 2000 Kiadó
    Year of publication

    The author of the book, Ibolya Greek, worked from 1987 to 1999 in the Protocol Department of the Prime Minister's Office. From 1992, as head of protocol, he directed and organized official government events. He is currently utilizing his theoretical skills in lectures and writings on behavioral culture, protocol and event organization, in which he also shares his practical experience gained in many rehearsals with his audience.

    It was with this knowledge that he updated and supplemented previous editions and made the highly successful book even more up-to-date. The Protocol can be considered a traditional etiquette book of my life, as it leads to the right forms of everyday behavior (greeting, dressing, communication), but for the most part the book introduces the interested reader to the rules of formal behavior (negotiation, conference, reception). And who often gets the role of a guest, or who receives a guest ex officio, or who needs to organize programs to learn practical tasks, can use our publication as a handbook. There are also real program and scenario samples in the book.

    Although the rules of conduct and dry facts are easy to digest, as a refreshment, the story is also served to the reader as Sorbet, compiled from the special stories of thirteen years. Heads of state and government, ministers, chiefs of staff alternated while the protocol remained. And the name of Violet of Greece marked it

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